Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in Bligh's Lane Nursery School. We hope that you will find a wealth of information about our school in these pages but if you would like any further information please get in touch.
Our Nursery opened in 1979 and is situated in its own grounds in Lower Creggan. We offer 52 full-time places to children in their pre-school year. The school premises have evolved hugely over the years including a major overhaul, both in the indoor and outdoor areas, in 2001. The school has also had a modern extension in 2018 and the children now enjoy a bright, stimulating, colourful and safe environment in which to play and learn. Our outdoor classroom has been developed to ensure that children continue to benefit from the wonderful learning experiences we offer, inside and out.
The development of the ‘whole child’ – mind, body and personality - is integral to our vision, and therefore the establishment of close and meaningful relationships with parents is an essential part of our core work. The children learn the importance of developing positive relationships and mutual respect alongside being proud of their own and other's achievements.
Our school motto, 'Learning Together for a Better Tomorrow' encapsulates the hope that we have for all of our children to become happy, confident learners.
Mrs Linda Woods and Mrs Deirdre Doherty
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Bligh's Lane Nursery School, Bligh’s Lane, Derry BT48 9PJ | Tel: 02871 267603